Wake County Genealogical Society, North Carolina

About WCGS

The Wake County Genealogical Society (WCGS) was organized in April of 1982 to promote genealogical study and research; serve as a medium for the exchange of genealogical or historical information; encourage the preservation of genealogical or historical records; and provide cultural, educational, and social opportunities involving genealogy. In 1983, WCGS was incorporated as a nonprofit organization under the laws of the State of North Carolina.
WCGS meets the fourth Tuesday of each month year round except the November and December meetings are combined and occur the first Tuesday in December to avoid conflicting with the holidays.  
WCGS general meetings and SIGs are held virtually via Zoom. We also host quarterly "Meetups" around Wake County to give us an opportunity for face to face fellowship and discussion.
For upcoming meeting information please visit the WCGS Events page. WCGS members receive customized notifications of meetings and upcoming events via email.

Operating Year: June 2024 - May 2025

Board of Directors
President: Ms. Barbara McGeachy
Director: Jessica Conklin
Director: Ed Edwin Webb
Corresponding Secretary: Linda Hames
Diversity Officer: Saundra R Cropps
Membership: Carol Kimball Stahl
Program Chair: Carla Stancil
Recording Secretary: Ms. Harriet Jenkins
Treasurer: Stephanie Ernst
VP Communications: Cynthia Deal
Wake Gen. Watch (Newsletter): Cynthia Deal
Website: Lynne Deese
Volunteer Coordinator: Saundra R Cropps
Other Positions
Queries: Saundra R Cropps

Contact WCGS
Mailing Address
Wake County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 17713
Raleigh, NC 27619-7713
General Inquiry: info@WakeCoGen.org
Our operating documents are available here: